Kalli's Writing
Jun 9, 2022
May 24, 2022
Poem: Over everything
If dreams were all it took for man to survive
Then I could be this young the rest of my life.
Wonders that'd do - I hate eating and sleeping,
Hate staying hydrated, and all the lot more
Like cleaning, urinating and letting out faeces
I hate to say it, but survival's a chore
Stared sometimes into the eyes of doom
And let it do whatever it did to me.
Only if I'll be back to where I was in the end,
I'll go through all the trouble with ease, in a way.
I'll drift into a place where the world knows me
But nothing there is to me, human form and connections -
It's only the great things that I do and say.
And greatest of all, all tomorrows will chase
The trophy of being the best of all days.
May 5, 2022
Here's my first attempt at writing something in a stageplay format (out side of that script writing class I took last winter). I took a little story idea that I had and decided to try to turn it into a play, which I have no idea is ever going to exist. Anyways, if I ever get this story done, this could look good in a portfolio!
Students of various year levels and an OSHC Staff Member are present in the room.
NARRATOR. It is 2011. Here we are at an Out of School Hours Care building. There has just been a discussion about what to do in the event of a fire and everyone's about to be let off to do their own things.
OSHC STAFF. Now everyone, that was some excellent discussion today and I'm very pleased with your cooperation. That should be about everything important to mention about what to do, but before I let you all go, are there any questions that you want to ask?
Apr 8, 2022
Poems: I wrote a collection of haikus four hours before submission time closes
Ev'rywhere I've tried.
No place my mind can stay put
And do as it's told.
While I should have worked,
Instead, I wrote a haiku.
What a waste of time.
It's time to focus.
I will not write a third one.
Don't think about it.
Mar 26, 2022
Australian Classics: Literature and Film - Analysis of 'Train Journey' by Judith Wright
Train Journey by Judith Wright
Glassed with cold sleep and dazzled by the moon,
out of the confused hammering dark of the train
I looked and saw under the moon’s cold sheet
your delicate dry breasts, country that built my heart;
and the small trees on their uncoloured slope
like poetry moved, articulate and sharp
and purposeful under the great dry flight of air,
under the crosswise currents of wind and star.
Clench down your strength, box-tree and ironbark.
Break with your violent root the virgin rock.
Draw from the flying dark its breath of dew
till the unliving come to life in you.
Be over the blind rock a skin of sense,
under the barren height a slender dance…
I woke and saw the dark small trees that burn
suddenly into flowers more lovely than the white moon.
Poet Judith Wright wrote Train Journey in 1953. It is a reflection of her experiences riding on trains and homage to the landscape that she sees while travelling.
Mar 18, 2022
Paying more attention to poetry
Since I'm currently taking on a literature course in uni (Australian Classics) and looking into poetry, I might as well talk about it here for activity's sake and share my learning experiences. For a short assignment, I'm going to analyse the poem Train Journey written by Judith Wright.
I'm already beginning my analysis :D |
My tutor hinted at me that this poem may or may not have some sort of rhythm to it, so I'm going to pay some extra attention to that. And since I've considered writing poems could be something I'd do in my spare time someday, it's nice to keep things like that in mind.